zahin ali—in search of a piece of liver

In search of a
living liver donor


I have set up a GoFundMe to find a living donor and raise money for expenses relevant to supporting a donor in my treatment.

My GoFundMe

If you are interested in donating, please begin the living donor health questionnaire to get the process started. 

A Difficult Ask

I’m writing to you today with a heavy heart as I have recently received some difficult news; I have been diagnosed with liver cancer, again. As this is a recurrence of cancer, I am in urgent need a living liver donor to continue my fight and win against this terrible disease.

I have been advised by my doctors that a liver transplant is my best chance at survival and I am reaching out to my community and beyond with hope in my heart. I know I can beat this with the right support and I have an incredible network of family and friends who are already supporting me through this challenging time.

I need a liver to have another shot at living a more normal life. I need your help and I ask that you please consider being assessed as a potential liver donor, if you match the criteria listed below. It is a huge ask but would be a true honor and a privilege in this difficult time for me.

If you don’t match and cannot donate, please kindly circulate this page amongst your own networks. It would very much help me continue the search in finding a donor. 

I hope to leave more good in this world than I take and for that, I would like more time. I am determined to beat this and would be forever grateful for your help and support. Together we can create a brighter, healthier world and I wish to be a part of that. Thank you so much for reading.